Allama ibn qeem RA has mentioned 39 benefits of sending Durood to our beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ
Following are some important benefits (fawaid) that one must know:

Following are some important benefits (fawaid) that one must know:
- By salutations/Durood o salam, we obey the order of Allah. As Allah has clearly mentioned in the Quran that he himself and the angels send durood to prophet Muhammad, so we all should also do the same.
- Reciting Durood for once x 10 points of Allah Almighty’s rehma.
- We get 10 good deeds (rewards).
- Our 10 sins are forgiven.
- Our levels/darjat are elevated 10 times.
- Saying Durood before making a dua increases the chance of qabooliat or acceptance.
- If we read durood after the azan and before the Azan’s masnoon dua then at the day of judgment we will be honored by the shafat of Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- Saying Durrod in a majlis/gathering is a means of barakah (blessing).
- When someone sends durood to holy prophet Muhammad ﷺ Allah praises that person in front of his Angels.
- When someone sends durood to Muhammad PBUH, he gets barakah (blessing) in his age, his doings/amal, and his rizq.
- Sending durood is a way to show affection to the holy prophet ﷺ
- Sending durood gives life to the heart.
- If durood is regularly/often said, it results as an escape from worries and bad happenings.