The meaning of wisdom.


New member
The next time you are asked about the meaning of wisdom, feel free to answer clearly because of what you will learn from this lecture. There are a million definitions that men have decided to give to this terminology and it can really make your head spin. It shouldn't be and it's time you finally understand that.

We all go through life fighting for one thing or another. We focus on growing, it's time for them to educate themselves and we launch ourselves to that goal. After a while, the pressure builds to make sure we don't fall behind on things that are critical, like getting married.

What happens after marriage? We strive to have children and then the horde comes to raise them. This space is actually a lifelong process that never ends. The children that are born have to grow up, and then the cycle that we just went through has to repeat itself. And it goes on and on until the endless eternity we already find ourselves in unfolds before our eyes.

At some point, we finally reach a point where we have to step back and ask important questions, like where our life would have been if we had the opportunity to make our decisions and make our decisions again. . This is a point where questions like "What is the meaning of Knowledge wisdom?" it jumps out of our minds like a great puzzle to be solved. And really, there is a need to solve all this and fast.

Knowledge is the ability to know. Well, that may not be the dictionary meaning, but let's keep it simple here. If you know something, you must fully understand it in order to make good use of the information you now know. How are you going to understand something you already know if you don't put it into practice? Do you see a tie here? Well, here it is.

Wisdom is putting into practice what you have known and understood. The application of all that has been discovered over time based on a complete understanding of how it all works together brings the word wisdom to life. That is why wisdom is the most important thing, you have to acquire wisdom. If you know so much and never take a step to understand why what you know is the way it is, then something is missing. Above all, when you finally understand why your discovered truth is being made available to you, it is especially relevant to do something specific with the knowledge.

You can't have one without the other. All your skills and knowledge that you gain and acquire are meant to be put to good use. But you'll do a very bad job if you don't understand why you're putting in the effort. You absolutely have to put everything together correctly for wisdom to play into it.

In whatever area of life you decide to tackle, be it family, health, financial, educational, professional, social, or spiritual, these three work hand in hand. His knowledge with the right understanding must lead to wisdom which is action.