Who is the best among people?


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من هــــم خيــــرُ الناس؟
Who is the best among people?

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

خيركــــم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه
The best of all amongst you are the people who learn and teach Quran
صحيح البخاری:5027 (sahih Bukhari)

خياركــــم أحاسنكم أخلاقا
The best of all amongst you are the people who have the best Akhlaq (character)
صحيح البخاری:6035 (sahih Bukhari)

خيركــــم أحسنكم قضاء
أي عند رد القرض.
The best of all amongst you are the people who are better at giving
صحيح البخاری::2305 (sahih Bukhari)

خيركــــم من يُرجى خيره ويُؤمٓن شره
The best of all amongst you are the people from whom good is excepted and others are protected from their evildoing
صحيح الترمذی:2263

خيركــــم خيركم لأهله
The best of all amongst you are the people who are better/good for their family
صحيح ابن حبان:4177

خيركــــم من أطعم الطعام وردَّ السلام
The best of all amongst you are the people who feed others and reply to salam
صحيح الجامع:3318


من هــــم خيــــرُ الناس؟
Who is the best among people?

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:

خيركــــم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه
The best of all amongst you are the people who learn and teach Quran
صحيح البخاری:5027 (sahih Bukhari)

خياركــــم أحاسنكم أخلاقا
The best of all amongst you are the people who have the best Akhlaq (character)
صحيح البخاری:6035 (sahih Bukhari)

خيركــــم أحسنكم قضاء
أي عند رد القرض.
The best of all amongst you are the people who are better at giving
صحيح البخاری::2305 (sahih Bukhari)

خيركــــم من يُرجى خيره ويُؤمٓن شره
The best of all amongst you are the people from whom good is excepted and others are protected from their evildoing
صحيح الترمذی:2263

خيركــــم خيركم لأهله
The best of all amongst you are the people who are better/good for their family
صحيح ابن حبان:4177

خيركــــم من أطعم الطعام وردَّ السلام
The best of all amongst you are the people who feed others and reply to salam
صحيح الجامع:3318