من هــــم خيــــرُ الناس؟
Who is the best among people?
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
➊خيركــــم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه
The best of all amongst you are the people who learn and teach Quran
صحيح البخاری:5027 (sahih Bukhari)
➋خياركــــم أحاسنكم أخلاقا
The best of all amongst you are the people who have the best Akhlaq (character)
صحيح البخاری:6035 (sahih Bukhari)
➌خيركــــم أحسنكم قضاء
أي عند رد القرض.
The best of all amongst you are the people who are better at giving
صحيح البخاری::2305 (sahih Bukhari)
➍خيركــــم من يُرجى خيره ويُؤمٓن شره
The best of all amongst you are the people from whom good is excepted and others are protected from their evildoing
صحيح الترمذی:2263
➎خيركــــم خيركم لأهله
The best of all amongst you are the people who are better/good for their family
صحيح ابن حبان:4177
➏خيركــــم من أطعم الطعام وردَّ السلام
The best of all amongst you are the people who feed others and reply to salam
صحيح الجامع:3318
Who is the best among people?
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said:
➊خيركــــم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه
The best of all amongst you are the people who learn and teach Quran
صحيح البخاری:5027 (sahih Bukhari)
➋خياركــــم أحاسنكم أخلاقا
The best of all amongst you are the people who have the best Akhlaq (character)
صحيح البخاری:6035 (sahih Bukhari)
➌خيركــــم أحسنكم قضاء
أي عند رد القرض.
The best of all amongst you are the people who are better at giving
صحيح البخاری::2305 (sahih Bukhari)
➍خيركــــم من يُرجى خيره ويُؤمٓن شره
The best of all amongst you are the people from whom good is excepted and others are protected from their evildoing
صحيح الترمذی:2263
➎خيركــــم خيركم لأهله
The best of all amongst you are the people who are better/good for their family
صحيح ابن حبان:4177
➏خيركــــم من أطعم الطعام وردَّ السلام
The best of all amongst you are the people who feed others and reply to salam
صحيح الجامع:3318