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  1. theislamicquotes

    Sunnah Foods and Drinks

    What are the favorite foods and drinks of our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH?
  2. theislamicquotes

    Muslim Countries of the world

  3. theislamicquotes

    The Miracle Of Tahajud

    بسم اللہ الرحمٰن الرحیم You can't claim that you tried everything if you didn't wake up for Tahajud (the last third of the night)
  4. theislamicquotes

    Celebrities who revert to Islam

    Dave Chapelle discovered Islam at a pizza shop
  5. theislamicquotes

    25 prophets that are mentioned in the holy Quran

    The 25 Prophets of Allah that have been mentioned in the Quran 1. Adam 2. Idris (Enoch) 3. Nuh (Noah) 4. Hud 5. Salih 6. Ibrahim (Abraham) 7. Ismail(Ishmael) 8. Ishaq (Isaac) 9. Lut (lot) 10. Yaqub (Jacob) 11. Yusuf (Joseph) 12. Shuaib (Jethro) 13. Ayyub (Job) 14. Mussa (Moses) 15. Harun...
  6. theislamicquotes

    Companions of the Prophet Muhammad Pbuh

    Companion Series: EP 1 (MUFTI MENK) Who was Abu Bakr RA?
  7. theislamicquotes

    The amazing love story of Prophet Muhammad Pbuh

    This is an ultimate love story of Our beloved prophet Muhammad PBUH and his wife Hazrat Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her) Part 1
  8. theislamicquotes

    Stories of the prophets for kids

    This such an interesting story of the last prophet sent to the Earth? yes, Hazrat Muhammad Pbuh. Watch with your kids so they could know more about our last and final prophet, the greatest of mankind Prophet Muhammad PBUH.
  9. theislamicquotes

    Why inmates are converting to Islam in USA

    Religion is important to inmates as it connects them to something bigger than their circumstances. Watch how faith grows behind the bars and why there's an enormous rise in the Muslim revert ratio in the prisons of the USA.
  10. theislamicquotes

    Why People love Muslim Countries

  11. theislamicquotes

    How to overcome cancer the natural way (The Islamic Medicine)

    A wonderful video that will tell you about a miracle. Cancer surely is a deadly disease. May Allah save and protect us all. Ameen.
  12. theislamicquotes

    Short/concise description of Prophet Muhammad Pbuh

    The most detailed and complete (seerah) description of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the one given by Umm Ma`bad, as related to us in the hadith of Hubaysh b. Khalid. When the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emigrated (hijrah) from Mecca to Madinah, he passed by the tent of...
  13. theislamicquotes

    Commonly Searched Questions About Islam On Google

    Salam, You can now post questions that come up in search engines or answers to commonly asked questions on google. You can reply to this thread, make sure it's one question per thread. JazakAllah
  14. theislamicquotes

    Surah Al Mulk

    Beautiful and heart-touching recitation by Sheikh Sudais
  15. theislamicquotes

    Masjid-Al Aqsa

    We pray that one day we get to see this beautiful masjid. We pray that one day we get to see the freedom of Palestinians. We pray that one day we get to see justice being served. InshaAllah. Ameen. Imagine praying in this masjid! SubhanAllah
  16. theislamicquotes

    How a Millionaire gave it all up for Islam- A HEART TOUCHING STORY

    A heart-touching story that everyone should listen to, even if you are not a Muslim, it would inspire you InshaAllah
  17. theislamicquotes

    99 Names of Allah

    Asma-ul-Husna 99 beautiful names of Allah s.w.t
  18. theislamicquotes

    Stories Of Muslim Reverts- Post your story here!

    Assalam o Alaikum If you are a revert, please post your story here. Your stories of embracing Islam are inspiring and can be very helpful for other lost fellows!