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  1. theislamicquotes

    Emotional Shahada Moments That Will Make You Cry

    These people choosing the right path and making the best decision of their life would leave you all teary!
  2. theislamicquotes

    Catholic Scholar Reacts To Fajr Azan

    Dr. Craig Considine is a famous catholic scholar, watch this video in which he admires the soothing sound of Azan.
  3. theislamicquotes

    Could Aliens be Muslims?

    Yes, Allah is the Universal God, no matter the type of creature, no matter the state of the universe. It's only Allah who is the creator, he is one and only.
  4. theislamicquotes

    Traveling To Turkey? Don't Do these Things There!

    Are you traveling to Turkey? Then you must know that it is the land of immense beauty, fantastic culture, and the friendliest people. Here's a really fun guide to not put yourself in trouble or embarrassing moments! 1. Do not say Greek Yogurt Do you know that The word YOGURT itself is a Turkish...
  5. theislamicquotes


    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته It's a complete book which has duas that were said by Prophet Muhammad Pbuh. These are short and concise duas that one can make to protect themselves and duas for both dunya and akhira.
  6. theislamicquotes

    Daily Dua (دعا)

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته In this thread, we will share all the beneficial duas that we say every day. The Duas can be both from the Quran or ahadees ( the masnoon dua by Prophet Muhammad PBUH) So, Share your favorite dua here to help us all get ajar and closeness to Allah.
  7. theislamicquotes

    Benefits Of Black Seeds: That cure every disease except death

    We will discuss The amazing benefits of the use of Black seeds here. Do you use black seeds? In which form do you consume it? Is it oil or solid seeds sprinkled on the food? Tell us more about it.
  8. theislamicquotes

    What's it like to be a Muslim in America?

    Find out how Americans see Islam and how do they react when they see hijabis or men with beards.
  9. theislamicquotes

    10 Famous people who reverted to Islam in 2020

    Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the world. A list of 10 famous people who reverted to Islam in 2020 1. Jay Palfrey Jay is a young youtube whose journey towards Islam started when he decided to travel the world. He traveled to countries like Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, etc. That's how...
  10. theislamicquotes

    Mini Seerah (description/biography) of prophet Muhammad PBUH

    Mini Seerah: Introduction To Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH
  11. theislamicquotes

    الرحمٰن الرحیم (What does it mean?)

    الرحمٰن الرحیم الرحمٰن الرحیم means rehmat (blessings). It is from the arabic word رحم (rehm) which means the womb of a mother that is a safe shelter for the baby. Inside the womb, all the needs of the baby are fulfilled. There the baby is in the complete affection of the mother. In the same...
  12. theislamicquotes

    You would be amazed to know the Benefits of Durood

    Allama ibn qeem RA has mentioned 39 benefits of sending Durood to our beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ Following are some important benefits (fawaid) that one must know: By salutations/Durood o salam, we obey the order of Allah. As Allah has clearly mentioned in the Quran that he himself and the...
  13. theislamicquotes

    Are you in Pain? Need an instant relief?

    The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: Place you hand where you feel pain in your body, and say Bismillah 3 times and 7 times A'udhu Billahi was qudratihi min sharri ma ajidu was uhadhiru (I seek refuge with Allah and with his power from the evil that I find and that i fear) Sahih Muslim 2202
  14. theislamicquotes

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله و بركاته we welcome all the new members to the Islamic quotes forum. May we get to learn from each other InshaAllah.
  15. theislamicquotes

    Surah Al-Kahf

    Beautiful recitation of surah Al-Kahf by Sheikh Shuraim
  16. theislamicquotes

    How Surah Ad-Dhuha can change your life!

    If you are feeling depressed or hopeless recite this surah.
  17. theislamicquotes

    How Indonesia Became an Islamic country

    What Muslim country has the largest Muslim population in the entire world? The answer is INDONESIA. In Indonesia, Islam is the most prominent and the most followed religion. 87.2% of the population is Muslim which makes it 200,20 million Muslims.
  18. theislamicquotes

    Which country has the largest Muslim population

    Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. It is the home to approximately 12.7% of the world's Muslims. The second on the list comes Pakistan (11.1%) Followed by India (10.9%) and Bangladesh (9.2%).
  19. theislamicquotes

    10 lessons from the Seerah of prophet Muhammad Pbuh

    Watch this video on the life and times of Prophet Muhammad Pbuh-The single greatest human being that has ever lived.
  20. theislamicquotes

    Answer My Questions and I Will Become A Muslim

    Watch how Jenny Divleli Discovered Islam. She asked the same set of questions from both a pastor and a Muslim scholar. She needed to clear her doubts as religion is not just a feeling for her but rather something concrete. Her journey of seeking the truth is very inspiring!